First Quarter Checklist

First Quarter Checklist
Knowing where to start when you first become a Voluntary Arts Ambassador can be a little daunting. Here is a handy checklist to get you started.
These can all be done at your own pace, but our hope would be that the following will have been achieved within the first three months of you becoming a VAA.

Begin to research local voluntary and amateur arts groups (with the help of Carol and others) and enter their contact details onto a master contact list. Please mention any future contact you have in mind.
Claim any expenses you may have from the VAA induction.
Start your VAA Diary and update it at least once a month.
Sign up for Running Your Group Level 1 (which also signs you up for the VAScotland enewsletter). Please use your VAA email address for this. Have a look at the resources on offer so you can spread the word to any interested parties you meet. You will be given free access to Level 2 in the very near future.
Access your VAA email account. We will use this to contact you, and you should give this email address to any contacts you make. If you have any difficulties using your VAA email, please contact Jason Brown, VAScotland Administrator on
Note: we would advise that you do not use your personal email for VAA communication, to avoid confusing the boundaries between VAA work and your personal life!
Have a ‘key meeting’, or at least arrange one, with Carol, your local TSI contact, other VAAs in your area, and any other key contacts (local authority/ arts trust etc) to agree a work plan.
Get a clear idea of the work plan mentioned above, and record any agreed actions. If anything is unclear after the meeting, please contact Carol asap to clarify what we have agreed to do.
Find some suitable places and put up your ‘Meet Your VAA’ posters.
Set up or take on an admin role for your local Voluntary Arts Ambassador Facebook page (note that Carol is co-admin). Join the (closed) VAA Facebook page.
Through your VAA Facebook page, ‘like’ all other relevant VAAs, the VAScotland, VAScotland Arts Ambassadors, Voluntary Arts Week, Epic Awards pages, your local TSI’s page and any relevant arts team/council pages.
Begin researching other relevant Facebook pages to ‘like’. Especially local voluntary arts groups in your area. You should have at least ten by the end of your first three months.
Share at least 10 Facebook posts from other pages that would be of interest to your local contacts. These should definitely include Voluntary Arts Week posts.
Sign up for the Voluntary Arts Week and Epic Awards updates on their respective websites.


Written by Craig