I have decided that instead of repeatedly posting up similar checklist information I shall only publish a checklist every other month, so please find below my checklist below. The purpose of the checklist is to allow Voluntary Arts Scotland and local arts groups to see the progress of the Falkirk Voluntary Arts Ambassador, it is not a requirement to publish these checklists online but I find they are a useful tool in helping demonstrating the help on offer to Falkirk's voluntary and amateur art groups.
Items marked with an 'X' indicate targets have been successfully met.
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Hand out 10+ VAScotland and Running Your Group postcards (with your VAA email address sticker on) to relevant contacts.
Add any new contacts you have made to your mailing list.
Complete a mini-report of each meeting/contact conversation/link you have established and email it to Carol.
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Share any arts groups’ details with your key contacts (TSI, LA/Arts Trust, VAScotland). NB These should be details in the public domain, not private ones.
Review the local TSI newsletter, council listings, events magazines etc. to spot relevant events you could attend. NB Please check these out with Carol for travel expenses before booking anything.
Gather up receipts, tickets etc for any VAA business this month, complete an expenses claim form and post it to Carol.
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Promote imminent events and opportunities - especially Voluntary Arts Week, Epic Awards and relevant parts of the VAScotland enewsletter - to your contacts.
Update the VAA Facebook page for your area, share relevant postings, ‘like’ new pages and comment where appropriate.
Email, hand out (or provide by other means) items of interest to contacts on your list. This could be new VA Briefings, news items, weblinks, opportunities etc.
Check in with ‘key contacts’ (TSI, LA/Arts Trust etc) to keep each other informed of what’s happening. x
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Have a date set for your next meeting with each of these key contacts to review your latest VAA activity and keep your work plan on track.
Have a phone or face-to-face meeting with Carol for the same purpose.
Check the latest Community Planning Partnership news. Arrange to attend the most relevant meeting, as agreed with key contacts and Carol. Prepare key points to feed in at meeting(s).
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Update any information you have gathered on, and for, your contacts. Feed back groups’ achievements/problems to Community Planning and VAScotland. Pass on opportunities to the groups themselves.
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Encourage groups with upcoming events to provide details and promote via your VAA Facebook page, the Voluntary Arts Scotland website/enews etc. x